We are creating a brand name in every part of the national market by manufacturing and supplying Head and Red Offal. This unit is used for hanging tongue, lung and head of cattle and goat. At our sophisticated production unit, we manufacture this unit using high quality stainless steel, procured from trusted vendors. Available in different specifications, this Head and Red Offal is highly demanded in the market.
Corrosion proof outer part
It requires no maintenance charge
Well built body
The head conveyor section of this system comes in handy for sagging down of organs like head, lungs and tongue of carcass.
A set of animal internal organs that are consumed is hanged and is transferred with the carcass for examination purpose.
This system is equipped with hot dip galvanized frame along with chain designed as per tailor made configurations.
The hooks of this system are made of stainless steel.
Advanced hook disinfection system
Gear motor with 5 hp capacity